Monday, April 27, 2009

Just Say Thank You

So if we are on a path of serving others, doing our part in helping make the world a better place, do you ever stop and wonder why there are still so many lost souls running around in the world? I am finding out more and more that there is really not enough gratitude within them.
I always pay it forward, let a car out, hold doors open, lend a hand to someone who needs an extra and it still surprises me how many people do not appreciate my time and efforts. They won't look up, make eye contact, just keep moving, so overwhelmed and self absorbed that they can't even speak? Yes, I know that doesn't matter much to me and yes I will continue to do these things anyway, but it makes me sad for them! Sorry that they are so lost, simply going through the motions, exhausted and numb, or frankly spinning their wheels, addicted, lonely and just plain scared. They haven't figured out that just by "keeping an attitude of gratitude" can and will ease all of these things almost instantly. In that moment of connection with another who is caring, noticing your struggle we can often feel kindness and God's presence in a stranger. When we open to the many blessings the Creator is sending us...the stressful burdens go away. When you can walk awake and aware in the world, thankful for the gift of LIFE you will find more "peace" within you. When you can see the good in yourself, you will automatically see it reflected in others around you! It is yours, free for the taking! All you need to do is....just say THANK YOU!

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