Thursday, July 8, 2010

Who Knew?

So who knew that weight loss or gain was such an EMOTIONAL issue? OK, so we all raised our hands, no big surprise there. Boy, am I finding emotional baggage being released all over the place these days. I am a person who pretty much "knows" who, what, when and where this baggage came from....but what I didn't know was that I literally have boat loads of it. Shame, blame, guilt, fear, and pain. I honestly thought I got rid of this crap years ago. I did...must have been the stuff on the surface.
The last few months as I have been busy disposing pounds I find myself laughing one minute and completely sobbing the next. The whole "emotional roller-coaster" feels a bit foreign to me. I must admit, NOT being able to control the tears on command or demand was unsettling at first. However, I feel like an old pro almost 2 months to the day out of surgery. I know that must be released and it is time to go. As I get healthier it no longer can be stuffed away or locked up. I totally get this!
Between the age of 10-25 I had a pretty serious eating disorder: Anorexia and Bulimia. I almost went into organ failure at the age of 19. I collapsed after not eating solid for about 3 months. It was ALL about me trying to CONTROL my life: by my weight, food consummation all to cover up deeper emotional pain. In my last blog I spoke about the severe sexual/physical/emotional abuse I suffered as a child. That included having to clear my plate even when I wasn't hungry and both parents using food as a "healing balm" for whatever damage was done and left hurting. Mentally or Physically. After a good old fashion belt beating, nothing made it all better faster than getting some "Ow Scream". Yep, that's what Robin as a 2-3 year old called ice cream! Funny thing isn't so cute anymore. Kind of sad actually. I have realized that I have so much "learned" behavior to undo and as more memories surface I find that I still want to energetically "feed" the pain. Pain for what was, pain for what wasn't and there is even pain for what will never be. I know that this is a waste of energy!
Carole King got it right: "I haven't got time for the pain." However, I do have the time to practice self nurturing and forgiveness. Allow my spirit to release and let go of what no longer serves me. Does this mean I will be able to heal once and for all. Dear God, I sure hope so. And I still like ice cream and I know I can have a scoop because I want it, not because I am using it to mask something else! The trick: I must be mindful. Listen to my body. Find a way to let food be fuel and not my enemy. I do struggle not to weigh myself everyday. But I am working hard to not rock my body with such emotional extremes anymore....instead let it find gentle balance. Without the need to control it. I continue to excercise and walk 2-3 miles daily.
I will keep searching to find the "Happy Medium" inside. Hey, I know she is in here somewhere. And as soon as she feels safe enough....she will appear! Thanks for listening. (( :

1 comment:

  1. That was very powerfully written Robin. Thanks for sharing! And I do NOT mean that in the sarcastic tone we are all so familiar with, I mean it sincerely.
    Love, Kitty
