Sunday, May 31, 2009


So I have been channeling a loving Crystalline Collective regularly since late last fall. This intense Blue Light is highly intelligent. They are loving, healing and beyond intuitive. They like to talk about the Universal Consciousness Shifts & Upcoming World Events. About evolution of our species, our higher spiritual purpose during in these challenging times. In the early 90's I was so freaked out by their shared visions of the 2012-2020 Earth Changes that I wouldn't let them come through me anymore. These Crystalline Collective Beings gave me markers or predictions said to assist me somehow preparing others for these future changes. At the time I thought they were far too science fiction to be true. But more and more lately I think that these beings were more on target than I originally thought. So out comes those old early 90's notebooks, dusting them off , rereading the materials and kinda of spooking myself out over here. Let's just say: Spirits, predictions and premonitions oh my. Right down to China being who we would be involved in the greatest world conflict/war. This would happen while our attentions were be distracted for years in Middle Eastern "Dessert Wars"? China w/ help from Korea would test nuke weapons deep within Mother Earth causing her fractures in center core plate shifts/polar effects and so on. Yes, I assure you I am a "Disney or Romantic Comedy" movie buff' myself, not into sci-fi, never watch horror flicks. So it was all Dutch to me.
But today I am certain this information has a greater purpose. Should not be silenced any longer. It is all part of higher plan that will be revealed as necessary. Without causing mass hysteria, we should not be waiting for 2012 to wake up and become aware. Some are finally realizing these energy shifts are already in motion. They really took off in full force for me with a notebook page dated the night of Sept 10, 2001: Planes flying into skyscraper's, falling from skies, ash rain, blood rubble and glass streets, massive loss of life, repeated again several times. They add: Greetings Dear One's...Tears are falling form the heavens as we are busy preparing for your loved ones. We know there will be so many coming....all very sudden we know your pain. We send LOVE to all.
Why I silenced my guidance from Sept 2001 until late 2008. I would rarely allow the Crystalline Collective to come in. It felt too scary. Did not like the loss of control that I felt being told things, see things I could not do nothing about. My ego worried too much what others would think about their messages. As I write today they are back. Loud and clear. I hear them talking clearer than ever before. And this time: I am ready. Not afraid to listen and share their messages with the world. I think that we are ready for all the help we can get. Together We Are One....

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for allowing these entities to speak through you for the benefit of us are very brave. I think you are blessed to be able to communicate in this way with them and also, to so eloquently convey these things to us..Thanks Pastor Robin!
