Thursday, June 4, 2009


6/2/09 6:30 AM I wake up with this song playing in my head before meditation starts:
We are the world...we are the children, we are the one's to make a brighter place so let's start giving...

Greetings Dear One's,

We have traveled far and wide to be with you today. We know the world is in need of some higher guidance what you call Infinite Intelligence. We are pleased that you are willing to bring our Crystalline messages through again. We understand the human ego allows too much dark filled space within your ^cores to just "accept spiritual truth' as God. Human's have always been the searchers, doubters and outright non-believers in any Supreme Being or Power Greater than yourselves. But we offer a different approach to your collective minds. We hope to have your readers become enlightened by the very possibility, that the vibration to which our words might tune into deep within your souls does produce what we have perceived to be the Image of God. Your ^core collective see's this image in the form of MAN. This is arrogant and implys strongly your collective ^core is the only Intelligent Life in this vast Universe. There are as many ^core collectives as stars you see form your Earth at night. If you will simply allow your "soul^ core" to be your guide we can help you become more Light led in this Dimensional Universe. Some will argue that if it can't be seen, touched, heard, smelled or tasted than it can't BE so. We agree that your intuitive FEELING center is your strongest guide. To feel a pure vibration of love is "the Light and the way". All Souls are timeless. Everlasting. The Light is always here, there and everywhere. It is reflective, faceted, dimensional and in all that is ALIVE. It is also reflected in your eyes, water & skies. The only way for this is to not be so, is if collectively you believe that you are separate from it and each other in it. You are created in the highest LIGHT in the world. This Light has a ^CORE STAR* form not a BODY MAN form. To doubt this....changes the pure essence of love that is the emotion of this vibration of the Light.
For ages your ^core kind has mistaken the Light as POWER not LOVE.
Impossible for these 2 components to exist in harmony. More on this later.
With the Light filled ^core....your human expression becomes LOVE=LIGHT collective....and always FEELING filled.
With a POWER filled ^core...your human experience becomes FEAR.=DARK separate....and always POWER hungry.
Our main desire as we work through you is to guide, to gently offer options for consideration. We are not here to interfere or scare. Just to offer your ^core kind other possible courses that assist within your current existence. You are correct. There are some Crystalline beings present within your world experiencing "human lives". And you ARE there to lead the way. Universal Conscience is far more complicated than your race realizes. ONE collective ^core does not vibrate so loudly without the entire dimension not only hearing it, but ultimately being effected by it in some way.

It serves us all to work harmonically together. We are all ONE in the LIGHT.

7:45 AM I am "back" ~Robin Wind

^ = Symbol: not a word, but a sound/light combination. Similar to what in Eckankar they refer to as HU.

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