Friday, May 15, 2009

Lesson In Patience

So the other day I watched a young woman with her elderly grandmother trying to get into a elevator at a medical building. People were all around in the lobby, watching, getting in and out of the elevator. But no one helped at all and were too much in a hurry. There was no sensor on the door and each time she tried to push the wheelchair in it closed on them. 3 times I saw this happen. They would just giggle. She would kiss the top of her head and say, "that's OK Grandma, maybe we'll catch the next one." Well I finally got out of the long line I was not so patiently waiting in and went out to hold open it for them. They looked very happy to see me and said "we were waiting for you." To which I replied, I am so sorry it took me so long." We all laughed and I noticed that we were truly in the moment, not at all inpatient or in a hurry. Just happy to be alive and a part of each other. But on the way home I just couldn't believe that no one else "saw" them struggle or offered to help. Wondering how many times people over look one another. So caught up in ourselves, worries and stress that we miss these valuable lessons. We are all in this together. It is important to be awake and aware of what is happening around us, to stop being separate. We are each connected to the grand scheme of things. I was far better for my light filled moments with them. I felt God present in this brief exchange. Wouldn't life be better...easier if we all took the time to really SEE each other. Warning side effects of help others may include: less isolation, fewer random acts of violence, peace and overall happiness!

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