Friday, January 8, 2010

How Can We Really Do It All?

So yesterday a client asked me after talking about being a Light Worker= a Healing Channel, Spirit channel/messenger and the Pastor of a thriving church, "How can you do it all"? I laughed and said, "I am not doing it alone. There are many seen and unseen forces who work with me." But in the wee hours in the morning, I heard her question reverberating off the walls, again and again. See, she was asking a question that I have been asking myself for years now. Do I want to shift my focus off the day to day stuff and move on into just ONE area of service? As to not be divided energy wise. And I always come back to: "how could I choose"? I know that all of these pieces make up the WHOLE or ONE I am. My link to the Creator. To separate or choose one of these parts would be like "picking one of my children as my favorite". It quite simply isn't possible. All are an equal part of the whole. (I gotta pause to giggle. I strongly dislike Math and they give me a flippin math equation?)

I am always being led, serving humanity the way I am supposed too. Funny, it wasn't what I thought I would be doing when I grew up. I find great satisfaction in my work...doing God's work. Certain that there is a greater plan for us all, and we each are each progressing in divine order, then all is perfect. I am ONE with all that IS. I aka Robin's Ego has toiled around with getting a PHD in Metaphysical Science. To have that piece of paper that "society" thinks is so important to prove what I/we do or channel is...somehow more... valid? But my higher self resits this. Jesus, Mother Theresa and other's of service...did not require such documents! Felt no need to prove who they were. They let their "example" speak for them. Had great Faith that the God of their understanding was calling them, leading them into service. Besides I am not finding material out there (accept Math... okay and computer techie science) that "we" couldn't teach ourselves, (not ego just fact) I ask a question: "They answer it". I know at the end of the process, I would receive a certificate that has my name with a letters after it, a title where all of the wisdom, extra credit, glory belongs to "Them" not me. This just doesn't "feel" right to me. And those that "know" me also are aware I strongly dislike to my vibration and opinion: implies a superiority or human arrogance which often this leads to a lack of connection to others.

They tell me everyday: Just do the work Robin. Serve all those we send to you. We are with you always. So I do lovingly and willingly. My "job or purpose" channeling whatever a Soul Needs. Spirit calls this "Rendering Service To A Soul" . Sure there isn't a 401k or health benefit's, paid sick days or vacations. But I have been blessed with a lifetime of wonderful experiences of helping God.... help others. With personal Healing, delivering Spirit Messages, Teaching and offering Spiritual guidance. And that instructs/provides my spirit with everything I need to "know". My guides remind me I will always have everything I need. Be Light. Be Love. Walk in Grace. At the end of the day what other people think of me is really none of my business. What matters most: what I believe about myself...and my own connection with them.

I am being told to share a few important lessons of value I picked up along the way: Let Go Of Control. To always ask for help when you need it. Delegate to others who are sent by "them" They may wish to be part of the journey with you. Always say: Thank You! Believe in things you can't see! Trust what you Feel. Honor Yourself. Ask. Listen. Allow. Always be Kind. Smile More. Laugh. Love Anyway. Forgive often. Live by the Golden Rule: Treat everyone the way you would like to be treated.
" Together We Can Do More". We are each a part of the greater WHOLE!

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