Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ducks Make Ducks....If We Are Really Lucky!

So I am giggling inside from the class I had this AM with the Church Board of Trustees. Returning home now very happy, proud and grateful to be working with such an amazing group of folks. The material prepared for them was bound in folders covered with Yellow Ducks. Years ago, many of my students, congregation, fondly nicknamed me " Momma Duck". Because I lead by example, offer support and protection to my/the flock. I hope that they are able to follow these examples of "Spirit Connection" on their Spiritual journeys, in the development of their own Mediumship or Healing abilities. Over the years, I have received oodles of thank you cards, rubber duckies, stuffed duckies, pens, pins and so on. Whenever an important question is asked: often a loud Quack followed by waves of giggles come from one of them. We know that we are all being led into service by God with love and light. The group I work with at PSC strives to provide high quality with the work we do in the community, stay humble in the energy, and are always grateful for the opportunity to serve Spirit.
Life is all about growing from our experiences, personal stories, life lessons. If you are like me you might have "visions." Last year, my sister found a "childhood" drawing I did at maybe the age of 4 or 5. I was stunned to see, that it looks very much like the Church I am Pastor of today. Including color-antique blue and the 3 upper windows. When she gave it to me she said: "See Robin, you always knew what you were meant to do!" 'You were shown a vision of PSC well before you knew what Spiritualism was. You or they knew you were going to play an important part of it." I have always seen Spirits. They have been a part of who I am from the beginning.
Yes, I am seeing clearer than ever before, receiving more visions for the future for our Religion and higher mission for humanity overall. I am aware that God has sent me everything I need to "make their visions so." I am wide awake and aware of many things coming full circle. Knowing that endings always...... create new beginnings. It brings me Peace and Calming and at the same time excitement for what's "coming next." Now that there are more who are here and willing to share the load, do the work, and welcome responsibility there is NOTHING we can't accomplish. I am counting on one thing for certain: That Ducks Really Do Make Ducks. That these fine people will LOVE Plymouth and it's purpose as much as I do. I know that we haven't seen "anything" yet. Spirit is going to ROCK, RAP and ROLL so the rest of the world KNOWS there is no death, there are no dead! Together We Are One.

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