Monday, December 28, 2009

In The Name Of Love

So I always find myself randomly touched by more spirits of departed ones for my clients, church members during the holidays. It appears that all families have issues. Each family has a "somebody done someone wrong song" that plays over and over in their lives. Grudges are held, anger flows, stubbornness leaves bitterness for the rest of the family/soul group who must deal with the one who willingly stands up and sing to the top of their lungs at the pain, suffering they experienced. They may use this pattern to justify bad behavior, addictions, failed relationships with their self/others. Over time, details get blurry, facts distorted. If nothing changes, energy gets stuck on a loop. History has a way of repeating itself.....
Funny thing is, usually the "someone" who they are referring too, has no idea how deeply they hurt the "somebody" and many more who have "crossed over" are actually mortified to witness what their carelessness has done to stop a soul from moving forward in life. I hear them say "please tell them I am so sorry, it wasn't their fault or about them at all, I love them so much, I didn't know, they misunderstood, they deeply regret causing them so much pain. And most often these words are often followed by: I am so proud of him or her. Please don't stop growing, living your life to its fullest because of "it"....the idea of this happening upsets them a lot.
To change this cycle for all: Spirits here and in the hereafter need us to release them, to forgive them, to forgive they can move on. A higher plain, love vibration will be felt by all concerned when this is done willingly. Love, Light, Grace and Peace will instantly replace the old lower vibrations of, Shame, Blame, Guilt, Suffering. All souls are now FREE to evolve back into both worlds whole, perfect and being MORE.
Surely, there are some "wounds" that are much deeper. Abuse, physical, sexual, mental & emotional are the worst kinds. But I am living proof that all of these can be overcome. We just must work harder daily to "release and let go" of what no longer serves us. We can use what "hasn't killed us-to make us stronger"by helping others. Serving the world as a Light Worker.
Yes, it is time for us all to move forward. As the New Year approaches....dig in deep, pull up and throw out some of the old baggage. Begin Again.....Anew.....Refreshed and Refilled LOVE. Be willing to do your part! Break the loop.....change for the better. To do so, will allow you to soar to new heights everywhere!
Many Blessings! ~Robin Wind & Company

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