Friday, December 11, 2009

Forgiveness & Gratitude

So how many of us have been what we might "consider" damaged by another? Even those of us who have suffered from child abuse or sexual assault, I offer for your consideration another possible way to look at this. No trial, challenge or hurt comes without powerful soul lessons, an opportunity for personal growth and in the process finding a greater strength and courage within our selves. Too often we tend to focus on the not so pleasant parts of these events. We drive ourselves crazy with the "should of, could of, would of', might of been's...." because are not able to really understand the "whys". We can allow this hamster wheel spin around and around getting anywhere without more pain and suffering, depleted energy that leaves you feeling frustrated and stuck!
However, it isn't until we can really let go of the past and pain can we see beyond catch a glimpse of the bigger plan. Looking forward from the place where we are standing now, we might be able to see how much we have changed, far better because of these lessons. A deeper sense of clarity might be able available to us from this new perspective. Open your eyes to see, heart to feel and your mouth to speak from your Spirit. From here: forgive yourself, forgive the others whom you have been holding prisoner for so long. Release them and let go. Thank them for the lessons, many gifts they brought into your life experience. All people have played parts in your personal life "script." Some play the victims, others the survivors, some the leads, supporting rolls, still others the understudies.
Once you Master Forgiveness you are free....really move on. Create the new scenes,with endless possible endings. Recreating your journey with intention and not by default. Happy, healthy and wiser in the energy! Be ONE with Spirit and love them anyway!

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