Friday, July 3, 2009

RIP Micheal Jackson

So the world has lost yet another voice of peace, healing and music. In 1984 I won tickets to see Micheal Jackson's Thriller Tour in Buffalo. The radio station chartered a bus and we had center floor seats rows 5-10. An excellent place to be. No one actually sat in their seats. His brothers were there too. The whole family making an guest appearance. We just danced the night away.
I remember thinking: "I can't believe God put so much talent inside of 1 person." We laughed, sang and yes, cried while lighters were waving in the stadium and he sang sitting on the edge of the stage -"I'll Be There" Tear's streaming down his cheeks while the whole stadium sang it back to him word for word. It was magical. A moment in time that changed all present.
I also remember thinking: "How could someone with so much love & popularity "feel" so incredibly lonely? No matter what you think about him, his plastic surgeries, his public trials and tribulations, now his possible drug addictions, the media 3 ring circus that followed him where ever he went: Micheal left this planet far better than he found it. He made a huge difference in his 50 years of life. Gave us a lifetime of music to touch the soul and make the whole world sing.
Surrounded constantly by "dirty laundry" human consciousness he struggled. Never knowing whom to trust. Never able to simply be himself. Imagine your entire life, being judged at every turn. People more fascinated by his 'freaky behavior" than his real day to day mission...his much brighter message to the world.
I often wonder why people feel better kicking a person when they are up and even harder when they are down. I will never understand this. How you can be a hero one day, judged and crucified the next. Time and time again human happens. Society hurts those who have the brightest lights or the greatest message I don't think he ever understood this either. MJ was a very caring and hyper-sensitive spirit, a well mannered gentleman, he was all about music & performing, LOVE, healing others, raising millions for countless charities, working to feed the world/Band Aide in Africa, Amnesty International, Supporting and building Children's Hospitals and Burn Units and so much more....
In a huge way he worked hard to make the world a better place for all God's Creatures big and small. Even Princes Diana, loved him and supported him. She felt the need to protect him. His inner child from the harsh often cruel world we live in. Those closest to him KNEW he was special and those who would try to destroy him /extort money/use him KNEW it too. I myself will choose to believe that now he can finally find his place in the world where he will enjoy complete happiness. Where he will find the unconditional love, peace and the soul acceptance he has been missing for so long. Maybe Micheal will find his lost childhood after all. His real Neverland. Where he can see the world through the eyes of a child. For those who made his journey a nightmare, rough and tangled....I will to pray for them too. "Forgive Them Father: They Do Not Know What They Do!"
RIP Micheal. Thank you for sharing your wonderful gifts with us! We Love you......

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