Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Isn't It Wonderful What A Spirit Can Do?

So it always amazes me how strong a Spirit can be. I am not talking about those Casper Boo like ones. But the one' still inhabiting a physical body. I am so blessed to work with the fighters, scrapers, the true survivors of this journey called Life. They have NO idea just how remarkable they truly are. Over the years, I have heard and seen it all. I have my own story of survival a tale that can go so LOW to so HIGH on the energy scale. I know that I am a soul survivor.
But I am talking about those who have beaten and survived Cancer. I am the most humbled by the strength and courage they posses. Last night I was talking with one of these amazing Spirits. We were sitting in a cemetery....what? This is a perfectly "quiet" peaceful setting for me to be ME. Anyway, he visits his deceased relatives there all the time, plants flowers, tends their grave sites. Many generations of his "people" are buried there. He turns to me...eyes teary and says: " You know Robin, I have never purchased a plot. I have never really thought about dying". I said: "I know, that's why you beat Cancer last year. He just froze looking at me in the eye smiled and said: Wow, I never thought of that. I guess your right!" He is so beautifully strong in Body, Mind and bright is Spirit. Lives his life out loud fully awake and aware.
I see this same life force within the clients I witness receiving divine healing everyday. Those who come to me sick, all consumed by "whatever" is ailing them: chance of recovery is slim, they often don't make it. They are here for more of a Spiritual or Emotional Healing. It appears to only scratch the surface layers.
But for those fighters and scrappers? Well forget about it "They are ALREADY Healing" They say: The Dr found this or that. I don't want it. Let's do whatever it takes to get it out". They are present, do their parts. They dig in deep and willingly pull it out. Survivors? Yes, but more Spirit Warrior like to me. They honor it. The whole process. They see beyond it. Have taken no ownership of the diagnosis. They are not IT. They have a deeper awareness the are so much MORE than IT. Deeply connected within Body, Mind and Spirit they... Beat It. I think these surviving Spirits help Dr's and Technicians learn. That there is a stronger driving light force in some than others. Empowering a patient is vital for the healing to happen. These Spirits allow caregivers to grow and see where healing truly comes from. A light somewhere deep WITHIN....

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating story. You going to write more? Spirit is urging me to write a book on healing and I keep on having healing books and notes falling into my hands. Weird. How did I find yours? Didn't even know you were on blogspot. Love and Light.
