Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Eyes Are The Windows....

So I am seeing things clearer than ever before. Spirit has been busy pulling the veils, false faces or masks off of some whom I have associated both professionally and personally with for a long time. It has been totally enlightening for me when this happens. The hard part is I never know when "things will simply slow down as if it's appearing before me on a movie screen. I will see lips move, but I can not hear the words that are coming out of their mouths". When this began just over a month ago, I had no idea what was happening. So I asked my higher guidance if they had any insight of this new"phenomena". I heard clear as day: "You have asked for answers about energies which are no longer good or safe for you to be around. This is our way to help you discern these." So at first I was taken aback. I replied "what am I supposed to do with this greater knowledge?" I can't simply pretend to be ignorant and ignore what I am seeing. I am not comfortable having this deeper insight either. I know that free will and choice allows all parties to decide for themselves. However, having this new heightened clarity, I can see or feel hidden agendas and soul untruths. This allows me better understanding on how to protect myself in the future dealing with those souls. Funny, I have been told often(even by a few of them) that I am far too open and trusting. Yes, I am going to just love them anyway, but the fact is, I need to know who I can trust and who I can't with certain information about the energies which are working through me. More importantly this also all explains the sensitivity to negativity I am currently experiencing. There is a divine plan in order.
The eyes do not lie. I have always been surprised by the numbers of people who do not say what they mean or mean what they say. They are thinking something that is completely opposite of what they are expressing to the world! There is no soul alignment, there is not enough self love.
I have always known when a person is lying to me. Mostly I choose to ignore it. But it is clear in their behaviors, reactions and their subtle energies: the voice, aura and yes the eyes. Eyes really are the true windows to the Soul. It is insulting to me, my super freakish psychic gifts and to those I work with in Spirit to be on the receiving end this energy. But it is far more personally damaging to that soul, their Spirit teachers, guides and loved ones. Their own connection to the Creator of their understanding.
Yes, I choose to love them anyway. But I no longer choose to allow it to physically effect my body, mind or spirit. I am grateful for this new awareness of my ability to choose to respond and react differently on my earth walk. Remember to always treat everyone the way you would like to be treated! Love each God loves you!

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