Monday, June 15, 2009

A New Day Has Come

So I am hearing Celine Dion's A New Day song echoing in my ears this AM. I am reminded of her Las Vegas Concert. We sat center stage orchestra seats row 10. It was amazing, at times absolutely breath taking to see her show live. OK to HEAR her sing in a theater designed to feature a Divine VOICE sent to help change the world. A totally "human experience" which allows our "spirit senses" to become stimulated to the 10th power or 7th dimension. If you are not a fan, I invite you to listen to her rendition of God Bless America. She sang this live during the concert held right after 911. I witnessed big men, powerful people finding it impossible to keep a dry eye in the theater. They were genuinely surprised at what her voice "released" deep within their spirits. She sings with so much energy, heartfelt emotion which I have been told by my teachers is done to stroke or strike certain cords deep within souls to help activate, align, and awaken. For it is only by "FEELING" can we become aware of all One. Not separate. She is did not graduate from HS, she is quite simple, often naive, humble, and very funny almost nerdy at times. But she is so REAL -deep spiritual, wide awake and aware. She has a great gift inside of her. She says she often feels pushed by a force she says flows through her veins. Her personal message: People need to be kinder & love each other more. There is a natural light around her that is not shining from her tech crew: it emanates off of her out of her eyes. If you turn the volume up with her songs they can quickly clear your chakra, energy blockages out. Close your eyes in the dark, listen, feel, you will see light reverberating off the walls. Feel this light deep within your begin as the vibrations move back through your body again and again(same effect as singing bowls can create). I routinely do this before I channel/offer public Seances. From my MP3 player, headphones Celine Dion: God Bless America & Faith Hill: There Will Come A Day really bring Spirit in for me. A few other songs I regularly listen to raise my vibration; I'm Alive, Love Can Move Mountains, The Power Of Love, My Heart Will Go On, The Reason, Everything I Am Because You Loved Me, What A Wonderful World.....each song sends the world a powerful message. That LOVE is the answer to all of lifes questions because I know that "love really can move mountains."

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