Saturday, June 12, 2010

One Foot In Front Of The Other.....

So recovery has been a day by day process. I have found that I can no longer force myself or my body to do what is isn't ready to do. It gets cranky when I push myself too fast. Seems I totally underestimated my super woman healing powers. "I" thought for sure I would take a week or 2 off tops. I would do what I was told to do REST and HEAL. Apparently I didn't read the whole brochure or fine print in my pre-op paper work. You know, the part that says, 6-12 weeks is the normal recovery time for most patients.
My Dr laughed at me when I came in for my 2 week post op appt. He said: "My weakness or sleepiness was normal." Having the blues was too. Please go home and actually READ the paperwork they sent me home with and ummm....DO what it tells you. " I find that I need regular naps now. I eat.... baby food, soups, protein shakes, because everything I eat must be soft. In many ways I am treating myself like a small child. Now you ARE laughing at me! I figure my inner child is really enjoying, my outer adult nurturing her. Caring for her like she has never been cared for in her entire childhood. The newly added smell of baby soap, lotion and powder totally takes this process to a even deeper level of personal healing. Because of my skin sensitivities and allergies I am supposed to use these products too. I totally forgot that I loved these smells. They remind me of my children when they were infants. I LOVED the smell of them after I bathed them and put lotion on them. It is rather amazing to be so connected to my body. I am cleared out of all breads, pastas, flour, sugar, caffeine(hey does a 1/2 cup really count lol) eating little to no carbs....and no longer taking medications including insulin. I am a month out of surgery and I am completely detoxed.
And the best Spirit has NEVER felt more present. I listen to my body, mind and spirit. I have no choice but to honor this temple each and everyday. I can only imagine what the future holds. But I find that I am in no hurry. I am taking time out to plant flowers, water them and to SMELL them. I am seeing clients again. My connection to the Spirit World is humming! SO fine tuned. Who knew, this would enhance my abilities? I am working at a more comfortable pace for all concerned. I have been delegating classes when I need to. Mother Nature is really speaking to me. The Earth healing work/ceremony is helping me stay centered and showing me spirit messages. A lovely blue jay has visited me the last 3 mornings. Just singing away. Walks right up to me. Never have I seen such a solid, strong, bright blue male. There are butterflies everywhere, humming birds and deer, my morning doves Mr and Mrs are sitting on their eggs in my Japanese Dogwood. We coo- chat daily. And everyday I meditate and walk, and walk and walk some more. In a month: 32 lbs down....lots more to go. But I am more at peace then I have ever been.
I am also looking for company to walk with me. I find that I am a bit lonely at times. So if you are interested, please let me know. I walk in the AM and PM after dinner time. Thanks for listening. All is well....

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