Monday, December 28, 2009

In The Name Of Love

So I always find myself randomly touched by more spirits of departed ones for my clients, church members during the holidays. It appears that all families have issues. Each family has a "somebody done someone wrong song" that plays over and over in their lives. Grudges are held, anger flows, stubbornness leaves bitterness for the rest of the family/soul group who must deal with the one who willingly stands up and sing to the top of their lungs at the pain, suffering they experienced. They may use this pattern to justify bad behavior, addictions, failed relationships with their self/others. Over time, details get blurry, facts distorted. If nothing changes, energy gets stuck on a loop. History has a way of repeating itself.....
Funny thing is, usually the "someone" who they are referring too, has no idea how deeply they hurt the "somebody" and many more who have "crossed over" are actually mortified to witness what their carelessness has done to stop a soul from moving forward in life. I hear them say "please tell them I am so sorry, it wasn't their fault or about them at all, I love them so much, I didn't know, they misunderstood, they deeply regret causing them so much pain. And most often these words are often followed by: I am so proud of him or her. Please don't stop growing, living your life to its fullest because of "it"....the idea of this happening upsets them a lot.
To change this cycle for all: Spirits here and in the hereafter need us to release them, to forgive them, to forgive they can move on. A higher plain, love vibration will be felt by all concerned when this is done willingly. Love, Light, Grace and Peace will instantly replace the old lower vibrations of, Shame, Blame, Guilt, Suffering. All souls are now FREE to evolve back into both worlds whole, perfect and being MORE.
Surely, there are some "wounds" that are much deeper. Abuse, physical, sexual, mental & emotional are the worst kinds. But I am living proof that all of these can be overcome. We just must work harder daily to "release and let go" of what no longer serves us. We can use what "hasn't killed us-to make us stronger"by helping others. Serving the world as a Light Worker.
Yes, it is time for us all to move forward. As the New Year approaches....dig in deep, pull up and throw out some of the old baggage. Begin Again.....Anew.....Refreshed and Refilled LOVE. Be willing to do your part! Break the loop.....change for the better. To do so, will allow you to soar to new heights everywhere!
Many Blessings! ~Robin Wind & Company

Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Lesson in Powerless?

So you look confused! Yes, I can see you sitting there reading. Thinking Robin Wind is all about empowering people... isn't she? And I am! But let me tell you about a lesson I got yesterday that I would never like to repeat again anytime soon. It was BC (before coffee) I was checking emails while waiting for it to brew. I click on 1 and suddenly sirens go off. A voice telling me danger, danger high alert. Which instantly reminds me of growing up by the power plant and the sirens warning/ER testing they do monthly. I just about hit the deck.
I was shocked to see my computer literally melting before my very eyes. I couldn't shut it off quick enough. A Trojan with...gasp....worms had hit my system and destroyed about 4 to 6 months of work in a matter of seconds. I screamed, swore, cried, hyperventilated (which I am sure caused my pounding headache all night and this AM) and finally collapsed into the fetal position. Stop laughing at me! Control issues combined with sheer panic are NOT funny.
OK, maybe they are to my pets who were watching their Mom pitch a full blown melt down side by side her beloved lap top. A hour later the "guy"a mere mortal today and not the "god" I once thought he was (tho still a hero in the tech world=he can do anything to computers!) couldn't save "her" Told me he had never seen anything like this. He worked on it from 9AM-6PM last night. Over 380+ files were infected...bottom line: total loss. NOTHING could be saved. Still more pouting, crying and stamping my foot from hourly reports coming from his ER room. Tell him AKA "The God" this this was not acceptable. To go "back in" there. I was certain that something had to still be alive! Bless his heart...think I heard a tear in voices on the phone because they had ever heard me so upset before.
Then something happened....I surrendered. I went limp and silent. Realised this battle was all over. Time to let go.....and to move on. I think that loosing all of the control all at once was what was the hardest. So much info lost. Can't be found anywhere else. Private Addresses(yes, including inquires made to me from Allison DeBois, Discovery Channel, HBO, HARPO/Oprah), old emails, classes, contacts and contracts, photo's, chapters of my book, all things that eventually, over time will return. Those that don't....I don't need anymore. New ones will quickly replace them.
I will continue to write, be inspired to create for a better quality of "work".
My assistant said a few times this AM: Not to worry. It is all for the material, new equipment and programs are coming. Everything happens for a reason. I am reminded after meditation this morning that there is ALWAYS a much Higher Power who is really in charge. Divine order....Universal Laws in place.
Until I recover fully, I am humbly back down to the bare bones. What I learned? Keep working on those control issues Robin (lol), about Super Sonic Ft Knox Anti Virus Programs, Back up hard drives, always have a hard copy. Working on a new filing system for better organization over all. Never put EVERYTHING into one person, place or thing, oh yeah, and maybe it is time for a basic computer class!
Today I am building again, always and anyway! And yes, dear ones I am also smiling too.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Forgiveness & Gratitude

So how many of us have been what we might "consider" damaged by another? Even those of us who have suffered from child abuse or sexual assault, I offer for your consideration another possible way to look at this. No trial, challenge or hurt comes without powerful soul lessons, an opportunity for personal growth and in the process finding a greater strength and courage within our selves. Too often we tend to focus on the not so pleasant parts of these events. We drive ourselves crazy with the "should of, could of, would of', might of been's...." because are not able to really understand the "whys". We can allow this hamster wheel spin around and around getting anywhere without more pain and suffering, depleted energy that leaves you feeling frustrated and stuck!
However, it isn't until we can really let go of the past and pain can we see beyond catch a glimpse of the bigger plan. Looking forward from the place where we are standing now, we might be able to see how much we have changed, far better because of these lessons. A deeper sense of clarity might be able available to us from this new perspective. Open your eyes to see, heart to feel and your mouth to speak from your Spirit. From here: forgive yourself, forgive the others whom you have been holding prisoner for so long. Release them and let go. Thank them for the lessons, many gifts they brought into your life experience. All people have played parts in your personal life "script." Some play the victims, others the survivors, some the leads, supporting rolls, still others the understudies.
Once you Master Forgiveness you are free....really move on. Create the new scenes,with endless possible endings. Recreating your journey with intention and not by default. Happy, healthy and wiser in the energy! Be ONE with Spirit and love them anyway!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Baby We Can Do It....

So there is a line that is echoing in my head..."Baby we can do it take your time, do it right, we can do it baby" Oh no, not in the way you are thinking! All the songs that Spirit plays for me in my mind are intended with a Spiritual twist. I find that personal spirit messages come quickly for me in the words of music that I am listening to. For many years, I have felt pressure, rushed to do this work. Some have called it my passion, others an obsession...but we call it my mission. From the moment I awoke from a near death experience I hit the ground running. The spirit voices I heard before it were whispers compared to how loudly I can hear them now. There was a urgency, that at times was almost painful to "catch up" with my work on this planet. People who knew me before I "died" said I was completely different. Even my eyes were not the same. They used to be blue all the time but now they are constantly changing hazel eyes. I remember hearing words like: "walk in" used around me. But I never understood what those words meant. Years working with the hyper speed energy began to cause wear and tear on my physical body. I was given plenty of warning signs along the way. My spirit was saying " danger -danger" body is not being cared for. But "I" was far too busy to listen. Finally 2 years ago, my back just broke, they finally got my undivided attention causing me slow down a lot. I was reminded that "I" wasn't told I had to do it all by myself. I wasn't working alone, there were others here to help me. Learn how to delegate.
I can honestly say that 2009 was the 1st year I felt like someone was really working on me from the the inside out, to fine tune my body, mind and spirit. Preparing it/me for something...MORE.
Funny thing is: I am not rushed anymore, over stressed or feeling like I am being pulled in a thousand directions. I am calm and at such inner PEACE, feeling mostly centered and balanced. For the 1st time I am READY for these future changes. I know there is a higher mission. I know that I am alive today to be a messenger. I am a channel for those whom I serve from the Spirit World. And yes, I am eager, excited and very happy to be of service to those beings who wish to use me to do amazing things! The lesson: Once I really began to LISTEN deeper into my body instead of all the distractions outside of me it all fell into place. There is NO FEAR. I am ready...

Friday, November 27, 2009

Ramblings and Service With A Smile

So after a wonderful holiday with my spouse, 3 kids along with 2 significant others, 3 friends and 3 pets I am in a very happy place tonight. When I cook and they all come home. It seems simple enough. Something this Mom has decided to do more often. (( : Christmas plans for everyone here have already been confirmed. But I also knew that someone could get called into work, or be asked to stay later. Thank goodness that didn't happen this Thanksgiving and I already have made my soul request for Dec 24 & 25.
I am very grateful for so much this year. There are so many blessings everywhere in my life: at home, with my work and at PSC. It seems God has answered yet another prayer I have shared with the Universe. To have our church handicap accessible ASAP. It was so quickly orchestrated that it may be done before the new year. It still amazes my how often my deepest inner most requests are answered. Proof if I do my part: absolutely anything is possible.
The last several years, my biggest daily request is for WORLD PEACE. This reality is still out there trying to manifest. I ask you to join my efforts by sharing in the visualization of people all races, colors, religions and languages holding hands around the entire planet. With a huge light above them, powerful vibration of LOVE floating between all hearts and hands. I believe it will happen someday. And until it does....simply let the PEACE begin with you! Do your part to make the world a better place for all. Just Be Filled With Light & Love.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Oh Yeah, The Spirits Are Alive and Rapping!

So I have been stepping outside my comfort zone big time lately. I bet you didn't know that I was voted: "Most Likely To Say Nothing" in my high school yearbook. Yep, I was painfully shy growing up. No, you would never know it watching me work in the world. I do a splendid job never letting them see me sweat. Doing the YNN Cable 9 Interview last Thursday caused some anxiety for me. This has been something that I have done in the past, but only in tiny snippets. Not a 90 min interview on film. But I had so much fun doing it. What I enjoyed most; was the very present Spirit Friends in the room. The raps and taps that the reporter indeed noticed without me having to point it out. The natural ease and flow of energy, our exchange almost as though I was talking with a dear old friend. I realized that I LOVE Spiritualism. Truly, deeply, passionately, unconditionally. With all my heart.....the message "There is no death-There are no Dead" emanates from my soul. Channeling my Spirit teachers was a breeze. "They" know they have a devoted spokesperson, Trust me as a clear channel. No matter what I feel about doing this, it IS my higher mission. To move forward, everyday, in every way to share Spiritualism's message with the world. Outside my comfort zone yes.....but also so very ALIGNED and the next logical step in my work. I realize that I have been training for this my entire life. With the most intense "spiritual workouts"unimaginable. Over the years, they have lovingly molded me to fit their needs. I have no problem doing my part. Casting away my fears, setting my own insecurities aside. They know I dislike photo's, film images of myself. And quite frankly: they don't really care! They just laugh, joke and love me anyway. Tell me to get over myself. Remind me that it isn't about me at's about serving "them". I felt so much love after it was over. Emotion flowed both ways. I know that the Fox Sister's were very proud. I am incredibly humbled and blessed to be a part of this mission with them! All is well.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The 2nd Butterfly Tribes Women's Healing Retreat

So we had an absolutely wonderful retreat last weekend on Conesus Lake. 16 incredible women gathered together for a weekend of relaxation, sisterhood and the sharing of sacred wisdom/healing medicine. For Ourselves. For Mother Earth. We worked together as a tribe, cooking, cleaning, creating, healing, praying, singing and meditation. Oh and lots of LAUGHING and TEARS. It was so much more than I could have ever hoped for. The spirit present within our home was magical. I was impressed by the strength, courage and honesty of these bright women. I was thrilled by the Great Spirit and animal totems who worked with us all. I loved the fire, drumming and the sacred chocolate. I am certain all souls experienced a far deeper healing than they ever could have hoped for. I watched harmony grow as unconditional love, light, and laughter seeped into dark stressed filled spaces causing release to bring balance to bodies, minds and spirits. We made medicine bags, painted our retreat banner, we wrote in journals, received individual shamanic healing on the table, enjoyed starlit relaxing hot tubbing. We took time-outs to share our hearts and listen as others shared theirs.
Caretakers...became the receiver's. By the time sacred circle ended on Sunday, I knew we did some mighty powerful work together. Our tribe emerged back into the world with brighter energies to continue serving others. Spirit tells me that our tribe will get bigger each year now. We sold out this one. Had to turn a few away. So next year we will have one in June and the other in September. We will grow, spread healing and positive medicine for the feminine Spirit through-out the world! Together We Are One.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Awake, Aware and Alive

So it is time for your Spirit to emerge from the human cocoon you have been existing in. It takes great courage to take off the protection, the cloak that is the physical illusion you are presenting to the world around you. To do this allows you to become wide awake and aware of all other Spirits who are walking the Spiritual Path of enlightenment. There are many who are leading the way.
This ONE enlightenment allows us to really to feel alive. Pure and deeply connected to all that ever has been, currently is, or ever shall be! We begin to live in the WE consciousness no longer separate of each other. WE ARE TRULY AT ONE WITH THE UNIVERSE. Treat everyone the way we would like to be treated. I have spent years listening to a Higher Christ Consciousness, communicating with the Spirit World who have been encouraging all to embrace these changes as a necessary part of the evolution, the 2012-2020 predictions.
Too many people, movies, books are eager to feed our humanly fears by giving false security that if you trust them, or follow Jesus "they can save you." I assure you: NO ONE will or can save you- but YOU. Experiencing this knowing and by accepting personal will become EMPOWERED=Awake, Aware and Alive. No longer will you so easily look away, pretend not to notice the pain and suffering of your fellow man, quickly believe an others truth over your own. You will be able to "feel" and discern the Holy Spirit ; your Spirit.
Once you trust your inner connection to the Creator, hear and feel this knowing, (daily practice common sense) all will be well. Let go of the resistance and control which only prolongs the illusion. Once you are able to HAVE FAITH & TRUST the cocoon with slowly and naturally fall away. Do NOT feed the fear energy. Do not panic, or allow your human self to settle for the reality those lower vibrations could manifest.
Instead practice-Kindness. Honor the Christ Light within you, within others and you will become the greatest vibration in the Universe-LOVE. Be the change you want to see in the world. Together we can Co-Create a world with Spiritual Beings that live as ONE in Peace and In Love.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Happiness is a Choice....

So do you know how many times I have seen clients who are presenting depleting energy of emotional pain, anger and inner turmoil that manifests as dis-ease? They look as though I have tossed ice cubes into their lap when I say: So just how long do you want to go on feeling this way?" Like they have a choice! Well they do! But no one ever told them they HAD. Free will and choice is what separates us from the animal kingdom. A cat or dog looses free will and choice when its owner picks them up and removes them from "their" favorite spot. But humans DO have choices. Hundreds or thousands a day. Each and Everyday. Do I wear these shoes or those, this tie or that way, mmm... what kind of coffee, water and so on. So why the surprise (wild look of fear in their eyes) when I inform them that they also have freewill and choice with "choosing their own happiness or unhappiness"? Are the afraid of the very thought of having POWER? Peter Parker AKA Spider Man says it best; "With great power, comes even greater responsibility. " (maybe not an exact quote but close enough lol) My guides tell me this often. Again and again I hear a inner Spiritual Code of Conduct: RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, DISCIPLINE, DEDICATION and COMMITMENT.
I think that we often forget just how powerful we are. Well why would a we know what's best for us: parents tell us, the Dr's tell us, Clergy or the Bible tells us, friends tell us, our boss tells us, CNN News tells us, the zillions of surveys tell us. What about this kind of mind training says: We KNOW WHAT WE WANT NEED> to make our own happiness? It doesn't. What we have learned is to give our personal power away. To those in authority. Not for the highest and best good of others. Why do we do it? Because we do not know how to TRUST ourselves. Our own instincts. Listen to our own connection to the GOD of our understanding. The power of Prayer or Meditation helps us RECONNECT. It turns on the LIGHT. The power comes from a source. It helps us to "ask and it shall be answered". By tapping into our higher self first we can retrain ourselves "to think less and trust more". Do not be so quick to believe EVERYONE else knows you better than you know yourself. Turn your inner light on and let it shine brightly. Take your power back. Choose to be happy, healthy, wealthy and wise. Once reconnected to the Universe absolutely ANYTHING is possible.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Commitment, Dedication, Discipline, Respect......

So I just had such a wonderful weekend in Lily Dale. From Fri to Sun I went with 15 or so PSC people, friends and clients enjoyed lovely weather and each other. We took classes, shared meals, laughter and total relaxation. Just what I needed. We saw Rosemary Altea my original Allison or Lisa of 25+ years ago. I remember reading her books when I was just starting out as a Psychic Medium. They forever changed me as a person. This summer, 2009 several years later we both taught workshops in Lily Dale. Quite surreal for me. Realizing just how far I have come from my beginnings working with this energy. Sitting in the auditorium I began to remember all of the clients readings and healing I have had the wonderful opportunity to facilitate over the years. So many bits of energy filled my soul. I closed my eyes and just listened to Rosemary speak. We smiled, laughed and I cried when her words struck cords within my heart and soul.
I heard some of the same experiences, life lessons in her stories Someone next to me said she sounded like Robin with an proper British Accent. I just giggled. Another friend added: we were both linked into the same One Universal Conscience. I totally agree! But it showed me something much more important: that only practicing true Commitment, Dedication, Discipline and Respect can you stay connected in that Divine Wisdom. Experiencing the energy is the best teacher. To Master Energy one must always strive to be the VERY BEST CHANNEL each and everyday. True Masters study their craft for an entire lifetime and only impove with age! And I am and always will be very grateful for the opportunity to Serve Spirit!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

I Am.....Sacred

So several days ago while on FB I wrote this line down on my homepage. Shortly there after, a dear concerned friend asked me why I was scared. I had to chuckle. Another person had pointed of course what I had actually said or meant. But it really got me thinking....scared is the exact opposite of sacred. When the I AM.....SACRED CD of Guided Meditations was channeled in, I heard Spirit say: "Robin, We Need You To Remind People What They Are!" I can tell you that if I didn't know who and what I am, every single day, in every moment I would or might be indeed scared. I could easily become angry, negative, judgmental, frustrated, depressed.

As I write today the SCAR -ED in the almost vibrating off the page. We each have scars. Old hurts, regrets, lost lovers, departed loved ones that leave marks or wrinkles in the canvas deep within our souls. However, without these scars, I can see how incredibly non-dimensional our souls be. With these experiences with all its pain, loss and suffering comes depth. They provid Soul-Dimension. More facets for our light to reflect out into the world.

Each day, my mindful healing meditation includes a new found respect, gratitude and yes even acceptance of those things that have and will continue to make me feel SACRED. I am choosing to walk in this world awake, aware and present. I am living in the moment. In Peace, With Love at ONE. Practice harmony with self, with others and the entire Universe. I encourage you to join me. I can promise you that you will never walk alone. Together We Are One. And yes, my friends we are all SACRED. I love you! ~Robin Wind

PS Remember: Blessed Are The Cracked, For They Shall Let In More Light (( =

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Amazing Grace

So another person recently crosses my path, feels the need to attack my Religious beliefs, mission and purpose. She questions my relationship to God. Wonders how I can do what I do without worry that I might end up in hell or worse? I just about laughed in her face. No, not PC so I asked my God to help me speak with love, light and grace. I was so happy with the results. I didn't go on defense. I went on offence. I began asking her questions. About her own understandings, personal experiences that convinced her that she WAS such a snug Superior being. And out loud I wondered how such a Superior being could be so angry and fear based? At first she seemed taken back. Every answer she gave, I just listened. Sent out love...pushed light from my center til I am certain she could see it. When she was finished, she looked at me in the eyes and said: "well aren't you going to say something". I said: "it just felt that she really needed to get that stuff out-off her chest. I told her that I was here to listen, not judge, not try to convert her. My GOD didn't work that way. I was instead supposed to give her permission to unload the old ideas and beliefs that she had been dragging around for years. Those soul depleting beliefs that she was somehow not worthy of any MORE. I shared that I was proud to be a Spiritualist Minster, a woman who has struggled since birth to survive, who has been beaten, abused, broken, who has died, come back to life a few times. I shared some of the many miracles-Universal Laws in divine order that I have witnessed along the way. Confirmed I indeed had an unwavering "knowing" of what I am "inside". A strong personal connection to the GOD I serve. Even if he didn't look or sound like her's, it is the same GOD. I talked about my own mission, a higher purpose, offering others new perspectives about the holy trilogy-BODY MIND SPIRIT for consideration. I told her what I BELIEVED down to my core. With LOVE and LIGHT she listened. Once she notices: "you are not afraid". I said I feel GOD inside me everyday. She cried and "no, as powerful as her GOD was, she never felt this". With the eyes
of a child she melted, began to transform before my eyes. She seemed eager to listen. Asked questions. Wanting to hear more. She was no longer afraid or angry. She was now open, free and ready for MORE. With Gods Grace we gave her permission to believe. The message was
not attached to guilt, shame, blame, or fear. With LOVE and LIGHT Spiritualism reminds those seeking..... that they are are ALREADY MORE. And I will see her at service some Sunday I am sure.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Calling All Angels

So I love to remind people what they might have always known in their hearts but may have forgotten in their minds. That beyond the illusion of separateness that we are ONE with the entire Universe. We are the ONES who can make this world a brighter place. It is our Souls Purpose, Responsibility to Love, Serve and help ease the suffering of those who need it. We can not look away or pretend that we do not notice the great suffering happening within all levels, corners of our planet.
No, I am not saying we should "do it" for them. Instead I am suggesting we each do our part to
"PAY -positive IT energy-FORWARD." We each have gifts and talents to share with the world. Use them. "If you give a man a fish he eats for a day. Teach him to fish and he eats for a lifetime!" Almost everyone will at some point in their lifetime need a hand up, a leg up, some show of fellow support. In a blink of an eye, a job can be loss, hunger or homelessness, a storm can come through and all you have built can be blown away. Whether it be money, supplies/food/blood donations, providing training, further education, hand me downs to Goodwill, we all can do more. Be more, Now is the time to SHARE your light with others. We are all in this together. And together I know we can do great things.... but we each must DO our part. Finally, I wish to share with you one of my favorite quotes:
If you can in this others. If you can't..... don't hurt them!
Please do not judge, criticize, ignore, condemn those who are down. Instead help them, empower them to RISE UP and LOVE THEM ANYWAY. To do so will raise the vibration for us ALL.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Isn't It Wonderful What A Spirit Can Do?

So it always amazes me how strong a Spirit can be. I am not talking about those Casper Boo like ones. But the one' still inhabiting a physical body. I am so blessed to work with the fighters, scrapers, the true survivors of this journey called Life. They have NO idea just how remarkable they truly are. Over the years, I have heard and seen it all. I have my own story of survival a tale that can go so LOW to so HIGH on the energy scale. I know that I am a soul survivor.
But I am talking about those who have beaten and survived Cancer. I am the most humbled by the strength and courage they posses. Last night I was talking with one of these amazing Spirits. We were sitting in a cemetery....what? This is a perfectly "quiet" peaceful setting for me to be ME. Anyway, he visits his deceased relatives there all the time, plants flowers, tends their grave sites. Many generations of his "people" are buried there. He turns to me...eyes teary and says: " You know Robin, I have never purchased a plot. I have never really thought about dying". I said: "I know, that's why you beat Cancer last year. He just froze looking at me in the eye smiled and said: Wow, I never thought of that. I guess your right!" He is so beautifully strong in Body, Mind and bright is Spirit. Lives his life out loud fully awake and aware.
I see this same life force within the clients I witness receiving divine healing everyday. Those who come to me sick, all consumed by "whatever" is ailing them: chance of recovery is slim, they often don't make it. They are here for more of a Spiritual or Emotional Healing. It appears to only scratch the surface layers.
But for those fighters and scrappers? Well forget about it "They are ALREADY Healing" They say: The Dr found this or that. I don't want it. Let's do whatever it takes to get it out". They are present, do their parts. They dig in deep and willingly pull it out. Survivors? Yes, but more Spirit Warrior like to me. They honor it. The whole process. They see beyond it. Have taken no ownership of the diagnosis. They are not IT. They have a deeper awareness the are so much MORE than IT. Deeply connected within Body, Mind and Spirit they... Beat It. I think these surviving Spirits help Dr's and Technicians learn. That there is a stronger driving light force in some than others. Empowering a patient is vital for the healing to happen. These Spirits allow caregivers to grow and see where healing truly comes from. A light somewhere deep WITHIN....

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Eyes Are The Windows....

So I am seeing things clearer than ever before. Spirit has been busy pulling the veils, false faces or masks off of some whom I have associated both professionally and personally with for a long time. It has been totally enlightening for me when this happens. The hard part is I never know when "things will simply slow down as if it's appearing before me on a movie screen. I will see lips move, but I can not hear the words that are coming out of their mouths". When this began just over a month ago, I had no idea what was happening. So I asked my higher guidance if they had any insight of this new"phenomena". I heard clear as day: "You have asked for answers about energies which are no longer good or safe for you to be around. This is our way to help you discern these." So at first I was taken aback. I replied "what am I supposed to do with this greater knowledge?" I can't simply pretend to be ignorant and ignore what I am seeing. I am not comfortable having this deeper insight either. I know that free will and choice allows all parties to decide for themselves. However, having this new heightened clarity, I can see or feel hidden agendas and soul untruths. This allows me better understanding on how to protect myself in the future dealing with those souls. Funny, I have been told often(even by a few of them) that I am far too open and trusting. Yes, I am going to just love them anyway, but the fact is, I need to know who I can trust and who I can't with certain information about the energies which are working through me. More importantly this also all explains the sensitivity to negativity I am currently experiencing. There is a divine plan in order.
The eyes do not lie. I have always been surprised by the numbers of people who do not say what they mean or mean what they say. They are thinking something that is completely opposite of what they are expressing to the world! There is no soul alignment, there is not enough self love.
I have always known when a person is lying to me. Mostly I choose to ignore it. But it is clear in their behaviors, reactions and their subtle energies: the voice, aura and yes the eyes. Eyes really are the true windows to the Soul. It is insulting to me, my super freakish psychic gifts and to those I work with in Spirit to be on the receiving end this energy. But it is far more personally damaging to that soul, their Spirit teachers, guides and loved ones. Their own connection to the Creator of their understanding.
Yes, I choose to love them anyway. But I no longer choose to allow it to physically effect my body, mind or spirit. I am grateful for this new awareness of my ability to choose to respond and react differently on my earth walk. Remember to always treat everyone the way you would like to be treated! Love each God loves you!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Hopi Message To The World

So I am receiving messages regularly now from all directions, from both sides of the veil these days. I got this from one of my Elders, Teachers who works with me on this earth walk. I have seen it before. But this time when I read it... I felt it resonate to my core. I share it now with the same love and light I serve our planet with. We are "ONE". ~Robin Wind

"You have been telling people that this is the eleventh hour. Now you must go back and tell the people that this is the hour. And there are things to be considered. Where are you living? What are you doing? What are your relationships? Are you in right relation? Where is your water? Know your garden. It is time to speak your truth. Create your community. Be good to each other. And do not look outside yourself for the leader. This could be a good time!
There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold onto the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and they will suffer greatly. Know the river has a destination. The Elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river. Keep our eyes open and our heads above water. See who is in there with you and collaborate. At this time in history we are to take nothing personally. Least of all ourselves. For the moment we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt. The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word "struggle" from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. We are the "ONES" we've been waiting."

Thursday, July 9, 2009

So When In Doubt....

So when in doubt, just take the next small step. This keeps ringing in my ears. Too many times when things are breezing along within our "control" we get into a false comfort level. When we can go with the motion, it seems as though life is effortless. But once a few twists from above are thrown in it can get much harder to stay on the path at all. Once we realize that that our 'control" is an illusion, we may begin to panic. Some may just stop altogether. While others will tip-toe very slowly on the path. But there seems to be something else missing deeper within them. A mighty split in the energy somewhere. Change is the one true constant in life.
The body knows that it needs to keep moving forward while the mind is trying to grasp or find "balance" and "control" again. Where we get tripped up is forgetting to contact the Spirit part within us. It is all about finding our "inner knowing". My higher guidance tell me that the missing link for many who are struggling with control issues is the inability of having absolute FAITH in someone, something...a source greater than themselves. Whether traditional or non-traditional find something that fits into your Spiritual Philosophy. Have faith that this light connection is already a part of you. You are never separate from the source, but enviably part of the whole ONE you seek. So in times like these, just ask, pray, meditate and do your part. Allow God to unfold the "higher plan". Do not let doubt trip you up. Remember: when in doubt BREATHE and just take the next small step and take another. Keep going forward having FAITH that everything is happening in Divine order. Step by step, and when your trilogy is balanced, you will be able to trust yourself to be able to navigate through anything. It is easier if you are connected and tuned into your "inner knowing". And once you are, keeping the FAITH is effortless.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

So I am struggling....

So I am sad. For days I have heard, felt all of this intense emotion, and peoples opinions about MJ. Quite frankly, all I want to do today is SCREAM ENOUGH already. RIP means: be silent, act respectful and give yourself the time to grieve and heal in private. Let Go and Let God work. To all of the Media Venues a few Walt Disney Moral Words to live by: quoted by Thumper from Bambi: If you haven't got anything nice to say.....don't say nothing at all.
Everyone, everywhere has their own ideas & feelings about the Micheal Jackson Memorial held yesterday. I felt it was perfect. Not fake or showy at all. Not too much glitter or glam. It was very tastefully done, something I am sure Micheal and his family can be proud of. Fact: no matter what this family planned it would have been judged and criticized by some. If they did anything less it would have only confirmed to the "non-believers" that this man wasn't "respected" by his family, friends and zillions of fans all over the world. Giving the options, I think they did a good job sharing stories about a MAN who was clearly LOVED by all who knew him. Never forget: We only knew "The Man Our Media-We Made Him Out To Be". He was an undisputed Music Legend and Icon. Also he was a great Humanitarian. Think about all of the greats who really knew and worked with Micheal on these efforts. Princess Diana, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandala, Depak Chopra and so many more. They couldn't all be wrong about him, his unconditional love, his message and his greater purpose of spreading God's love and grace.
First: he was beloved son, brother, father, friend to the Jackson Family and close circle. All agree that MJ was a kind, compassionate man who holds the World Record for supporting, starting the most charities designed to help make this planet a little bit better. MJ created places world wide to help ease pain and suffering, feed, house, educate and bring global awareness to the greater issues facing our world then "he" was to some. All of us have issues. No one perfect. Lets stop throwing stones. Ours lives with issues are not plastered all over the newsstands. Would you have handled yourself any better? Dirty Laundry sell only if we buy it. Stop allowing yourself to be fooled by other's "truth". It only becomes yours once you allow it to replace your own. Everyday our government, media/TV/press tells us things- sells us "truths" that are not real. War details and death tolls....are hidden deeper when we point fingers at others You choose to believe the "false" faces....but deep within you "know" something doesn't feel quite right. What we can spend an entire lifetime building a career, and a few careless words, accusations, greed, and mob mentality will tear down or destroy it overnight.
Again and again if you are truly listening with your heart and soul, not your ears and brain you will only hear and feel the LOVE he brought to our world. His true message to the world was to LOVE one another. Many humans did not believe he was really a Messenger sent by God. But those who looked deeper, listened vibrationally see and hear nothing else but LOVE.
Throughout history God has sent his sons and daughters to teach us valuable lessons on humanity. They are sent to show us new ways to rise higher and evolve. And we have proven time and time again: we are not ready to accept personal responsibility yet....
Do unto you would have done to yourself. Is this really how you or your family would like to be treated? Yes, Human Happens but until we collectively realize that LOVE is the only way...we will keep destroying the messengers! So I am still times like these we can't afford to keep loosing the true Lightworkers!

Friday, July 3, 2009

RIP Micheal Jackson

So the world has lost yet another voice of peace, healing and music. In 1984 I won tickets to see Micheal Jackson's Thriller Tour in Buffalo. The radio station chartered a bus and we had center floor seats rows 5-10. An excellent place to be. No one actually sat in their seats. His brothers were there too. The whole family making an guest appearance. We just danced the night away.
I remember thinking: "I can't believe God put so much talent inside of 1 person." We laughed, sang and yes, cried while lighters were waving in the stadium and he sang sitting on the edge of the stage -"I'll Be There" Tear's streaming down his cheeks while the whole stadium sang it back to him word for word. It was magical. A moment in time that changed all present.
I also remember thinking: "How could someone with so much love & popularity "feel" so incredibly lonely? No matter what you think about him, his plastic surgeries, his public trials and tribulations, now his possible drug addictions, the media 3 ring circus that followed him where ever he went: Micheal left this planet far better than he found it. He made a huge difference in his 50 years of life. Gave us a lifetime of music to touch the soul and make the whole world sing.
Surrounded constantly by "dirty laundry" human consciousness he struggled. Never knowing whom to trust. Never able to simply be himself. Imagine your entire life, being judged at every turn. People more fascinated by his 'freaky behavior" than his real day to day mission...his much brighter message to the world.
I often wonder why people feel better kicking a person when they are up and even harder when they are down. I will never understand this. How you can be a hero one day, judged and crucified the next. Time and time again human happens. Society hurts those who have the brightest lights or the greatest message I don't think he ever understood this either. MJ was a very caring and hyper-sensitive spirit, a well mannered gentleman, he was all about music & performing, LOVE, healing others, raising millions for countless charities, working to feed the world/Band Aide in Africa, Amnesty International, Supporting and building Children's Hospitals and Burn Units and so much more....
In a huge way he worked hard to make the world a better place for all God's Creatures big and small. Even Princes Diana, loved him and supported him. She felt the need to protect him. His inner child from the harsh often cruel world we live in. Those closest to him KNEW he was special and those who would try to destroy him /extort money/use him KNEW it too. I myself will choose to believe that now he can finally find his place in the world where he will enjoy complete happiness. Where he will find the unconditional love, peace and the soul acceptance he has been missing for so long. Maybe Micheal will find his lost childhood after all. His real Neverland. Where he can see the world through the eyes of a child. For those who made his journey a nightmare, rough and tangled....I will to pray for them too. "Forgive Them Father: They Do Not Know What They Do!"
RIP Micheal. Thank you for sharing your wonderful gifts with us! We Love you......

Friday, June 19, 2009

Shifts Happen

So I/many people have been feeling a disturbance in the force lately. No, it isn't our imagination, it is quite real. Do not resist these changes. Do not hold tight to what was or try to detach from what is. No matter how uncomfortable these vibrations are; it is important for you to feel it and accept it. Moment by moment as these Universal Energy Shifts happen. We are Light Wave Riders. A cool vision of surfers comes to mind! Do not waste precious energy trying to figure it out. It is really impossible to say how much or how long these gigantic energy waves will be effecting you. Resistance will only make this process harder. It is all about acceptance. Let go, move with the force. Control is an illusion. The more you think you have it, the more the Universe will show you that you don't.
These vibration changes, energy shifts are designed to help us evolve into a more Spiritual place of existence within the Universe. We may feel "leveled" emotionally, physically or just down for the count. Some are experiencing weakened immune systems. Pressure in ears, (like flying or under water), dizziness, temp flex in the body, disturbed sleep patterns, headaches are just a few. Our core issues might appear brighter, our inner fears more exposed. We may feel raw, anxious, teary, angry or more depressed. During this time: Hope and Faith are absolutely necessary to survive these core altering changes. FEAR must be released. LOVE must be replaced. We can assist each other by reaching out to one another along the way. Those who "get it" must lead by example. Light Guides who write, teach or preach about this SHIFT are
in place in order to help bring understanding to the masses and to help you ease through these "rough waters" are here to support you. Even though we may "know" and are able to receive higher spiritual guidance from our Spirit Teachers, never doubt that we are indeed experiencing these shifts with you! Together We Are One. We are not alone there is nothing to feel inadequate, embarrassed, ashamed about. Remember to ask for help. Take a deep breath, find your center/core, feel it accept it and let it go. Ride the waves. Laugh more, love often. Think less and trust more. All will be well.

Monday, June 15, 2009

A New Day Has Come

So I am hearing Celine Dion's A New Day song echoing in my ears this AM. I am reminded of her Las Vegas Concert. We sat center stage orchestra seats row 10. It was amazing, at times absolutely breath taking to see her show live. OK to HEAR her sing in a theater designed to feature a Divine VOICE sent to help change the world. A totally "human experience" which allows our "spirit senses" to become stimulated to the 10th power or 7th dimension. If you are not a fan, I invite you to listen to her rendition of God Bless America. She sang this live during the concert held right after 911. I witnessed big men, powerful people finding it impossible to keep a dry eye in the theater. They were genuinely surprised at what her voice "released" deep within their spirits. She sings with so much energy, heartfelt emotion which I have been told by my teachers is done to stroke or strike certain cords deep within souls to help activate, align, and awaken. For it is only by "FEELING" can we become aware of all One. Not separate. She is did not graduate from HS, she is quite simple, often naive, humble, and very funny almost nerdy at times. But she is so REAL -deep spiritual, wide awake and aware. She has a great gift inside of her. She says she often feels pushed by a force she says flows through her veins. Her personal message: People need to be kinder & love each other more. There is a natural light around her that is not shining from her tech crew: it emanates off of her out of her eyes. If you turn the volume up with her songs they can quickly clear your chakra, energy blockages out. Close your eyes in the dark, listen, feel, you will see light reverberating off the walls. Feel this light deep within your begin as the vibrations move back through your body again and again(same effect as singing bowls can create). I routinely do this before I channel/offer public Seances. From my MP3 player, headphones Celine Dion: God Bless America & Faith Hill: There Will Come A Day really bring Spirit in for me. A few other songs I regularly listen to raise my vibration; I'm Alive, Love Can Move Mountains, The Power Of Love, My Heart Will Go On, The Reason, Everything I Am Because You Loved Me, What A Wonderful World.....each song sends the world a powerful message. That LOVE is the answer to all of lifes questions because I know that "love really can move mountains."

Thursday, June 4, 2009


6/2/09 6:30 AM I wake up with this song playing in my head before meditation starts:
We are the world...we are the children, we are the one's to make a brighter place so let's start giving...

Greetings Dear One's,

We have traveled far and wide to be with you today. We know the world is in need of some higher guidance what you call Infinite Intelligence. We are pleased that you are willing to bring our Crystalline messages through again. We understand the human ego allows too much dark filled space within your ^cores to just "accept spiritual truth' as God. Human's have always been the searchers, doubters and outright non-believers in any Supreme Being or Power Greater than yourselves. But we offer a different approach to your collective minds. We hope to have your readers become enlightened by the very possibility, that the vibration to which our words might tune into deep within your souls does produce what we have perceived to be the Image of God. Your ^core collective see's this image in the form of MAN. This is arrogant and implys strongly your collective ^core is the only Intelligent Life in this vast Universe. There are as many ^core collectives as stars you see form your Earth at night. If you will simply allow your "soul^ core" to be your guide we can help you become more Light led in this Dimensional Universe. Some will argue that if it can't be seen, touched, heard, smelled or tasted than it can't BE so. We agree that your intuitive FEELING center is your strongest guide. To feel a pure vibration of love is "the Light and the way". All Souls are timeless. Everlasting. The Light is always here, there and everywhere. It is reflective, faceted, dimensional and in all that is ALIVE. It is also reflected in your eyes, water & skies. The only way for this is to not be so, is if collectively you believe that you are separate from it and each other in it. You are created in the highest LIGHT in the world. This Light has a ^CORE STAR* form not a BODY MAN form. To doubt this....changes the pure essence of love that is the emotion of this vibration of the Light.
For ages your ^core kind has mistaken the Light as POWER not LOVE.
Impossible for these 2 components to exist in harmony. More on this later.
With the Light filled ^core....your human expression becomes LOVE=LIGHT collective....and always FEELING filled.
With a POWER filled ^core...your human experience becomes FEAR.=DARK separate....and always POWER hungry.
Our main desire as we work through you is to guide, to gently offer options for consideration. We are not here to interfere or scare. Just to offer your ^core kind other possible courses that assist within your current existence. You are correct. There are some Crystalline beings present within your world experiencing "human lives". And you ARE there to lead the way. Universal Conscience is far more complicated than your race realizes. ONE collective ^core does not vibrate so loudly without the entire dimension not only hearing it, but ultimately being effected by it in some way.

It serves us all to work harmonically together. We are all ONE in the LIGHT.

7:45 AM I am "back" ~Robin Wind

^ = Symbol: not a word, but a sound/light combination. Similar to what in Eckankar they refer to as HU.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


So I have been channeling a loving Crystalline Collective regularly since late last fall. This intense Blue Light is highly intelligent. They are loving, healing and beyond intuitive. They like to talk about the Universal Consciousness Shifts & Upcoming World Events. About evolution of our species, our higher spiritual purpose during in these challenging times. In the early 90's I was so freaked out by their shared visions of the 2012-2020 Earth Changes that I wouldn't let them come through me anymore. These Crystalline Collective Beings gave me markers or predictions said to assist me somehow preparing others for these future changes. At the time I thought they were far too science fiction to be true. But more and more lately I think that these beings were more on target than I originally thought. So out comes those old early 90's notebooks, dusting them off , rereading the materials and kinda of spooking myself out over here. Let's just say: Spirits, predictions and premonitions oh my. Right down to China being who we would be involved in the greatest world conflict/war. This would happen while our attentions were be distracted for years in Middle Eastern "Dessert Wars"? China w/ help from Korea would test nuke weapons deep within Mother Earth causing her fractures in center core plate shifts/polar effects and so on. Yes, I assure you I am a "Disney or Romantic Comedy" movie buff' myself, not into sci-fi, never watch horror flicks. So it was all Dutch to me.
But today I am certain this information has a greater purpose. Should not be silenced any longer. It is all part of higher plan that will be revealed as necessary. Without causing mass hysteria, we should not be waiting for 2012 to wake up and become aware. Some are finally realizing these energy shifts are already in motion. They really took off in full force for me with a notebook page dated the night of Sept 10, 2001: Planes flying into skyscraper's, falling from skies, ash rain, blood rubble and glass streets, massive loss of life, repeated again several times. They add: Greetings Dear One's...Tears are falling form the heavens as we are busy preparing for your loved ones. We know there will be so many coming....all very sudden we know your pain. We send LOVE to all.
Why I silenced my guidance from Sept 2001 until late 2008. I would rarely allow the Crystalline Collective to come in. It felt too scary. Did not like the loss of control that I felt being told things, see things I could not do nothing about. My ego worried too much what others would think about their messages. As I write today they are back. Loud and clear. I hear them talking clearer than ever before. And this time: I am ready. Not afraid to listen and share their messages with the world. I think that we are ready for all the help we can get. Together We Are One....

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Many Blessings

So I have been counting my blessings lately and boy are there are a lot of them! I am so grateful for the wonderful people in my life. Happy to finally have a team around me that feels absolutely perfect to assist me on my higher mission. I have been making time-outs to stop and smell the Lilac's or other Spring flowers that catch my eye. To walk the beach or parks taking the time to really explore myself and my deeper connections to all that is. Spring is such a reflective time for me personally. I always look back to see what was accomplished within the last year. Listen to see if it is now time or possible to move forward. One thing I have learned is Divine Order is never my own. There are other forces greater than I, that must be in line. This also means that I don't let my ego/human part of me try to force it, or manipulate it or others in anyway, I must just open and BE willing. I know when the "energy and time is right" to precede, I will be ready to do my part. All will be accomplished with ease. I know many people who are practicing the "Secret" The Law of Attraction. They are still not able to "trust" enough or just let go and allow.
They get too focused on "creation" visualizing their new realities (secretly in their minds they have a ego based time line ticking). They are often missing the most important element: TRUST.
Trust is inner KNOWING that when all is aligned in this mighty Universe and it honestly reflects deep within themselves: does this Natural Law really work. Once this is accomplished anything and everything is possible! Think less and trust more. Having FAITH in something they can't see or touch is so easy for some. Not so easy for others. Keeping an attitude of gratitude will certainly help the process of creation manifest easier. For it is only in our ability to "TRUST" and having absolute faith can we master this natural law.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Lesson In Patience

So the other day I watched a young woman with her elderly grandmother trying to get into a elevator at a medical building. People were all around in the lobby, watching, getting in and out of the elevator. But no one helped at all and were too much in a hurry. There was no sensor on the door and each time she tried to push the wheelchair in it closed on them. 3 times I saw this happen. They would just giggle. She would kiss the top of her head and say, "that's OK Grandma, maybe we'll catch the next one." Well I finally got out of the long line I was not so patiently waiting in and went out to hold open it for them. They looked very happy to see me and said "we were waiting for you." To which I replied, I am so sorry it took me so long." We all laughed and I noticed that we were truly in the moment, not at all inpatient or in a hurry. Just happy to be alive and a part of each other. But on the way home I just couldn't believe that no one else "saw" them struggle or offered to help. Wondering how many times people over look one another. So caught up in ourselves, worries and stress that we miss these valuable lessons. We are all in this together. It is important to be awake and aware of what is happening around us, to stop being separate. We are each connected to the grand scheme of things. I was far better for my light filled moments with them. I felt God present in this brief exchange. Wouldn't life be better...easier if we all took the time to really SEE each other. Warning side effects of help others may include: less isolation, fewer random acts of violence, peace and overall happiness!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Ask And Ye Shall Recieve

So I am very grateful that it has been a very busy week. My friend told me last night that when Rosemary Altea (my 1st Psychic mentor) first began doing this work professionally she told God and her Spirit Guides that she would need to see no less than 3 clients a week. Once she could see this happen she would quit her job and work for them FT! My Mum sent me a lovely book around my birthday called "Hiring The Heavens." In it they talk about asking for what you need. Telling the universe what you want them to assist you with. Co-creating mmmm, I sense a theme message in there somewhere. I was 'receiving" right up until the beginning on March and then suddenly it got very quiet. At first I wasn't worried. I was grateful that I didn't hit the yearly normal quiet months of Dec-Feb. I was in a state of "waiting" not asking. I think no I assumed "they knew" what I needed. But after 3 weeks into the month I began to get nervous myself when my bills could not be met. I was feeling my spouse's worry, doubt and yes panic about the quite days. I began to ask: is this really what I am suppose to do? Should I look for another FT gig. Give up this venue of God's healing /message work once and for all? Still the heavens remained silent. One thing I know for sure: where there is doubt, worry and fear....nothing grows, fills and experiences abundance. It chokes the positive life flow.
I don't know why I let their "fear" energy block out my inner knowing. But I did. Hey human happens! But I know today that was the very energy vibration that kept me at a level where "more" just wasn't possible. Sometimes we just need to remember: to think less and trust more.
Having faith is necessary for us to hold onto during the silence. Sometimes no answer: is the answer. In time we will see, understand the whys and hows. But until then...never keep asking!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Just Say Thank You

So if we are on a path of serving others, doing our part in helping make the world a better place, do you ever stop and wonder why there are still so many lost souls running around in the world? I am finding out more and more that there is really not enough gratitude within them.
I always pay it forward, let a car out, hold doors open, lend a hand to someone who needs an extra and it still surprises me how many people do not appreciate my time and efforts. They won't look up, make eye contact, just keep moving, so overwhelmed and self absorbed that they can't even speak? Yes, I know that doesn't matter much to me and yes I will continue to do these things anyway, but it makes me sad for them! Sorry that they are so lost, simply going through the motions, exhausted and numb, or frankly spinning their wheels, addicted, lonely and just plain scared. They haven't figured out that just by "keeping an attitude of gratitude" can and will ease all of these things almost instantly. In that moment of connection with another who is caring, noticing your struggle we can often feel kindness and God's presence in a stranger. When we open to the many blessings the Creator is sending us...the stressful burdens go away. When you can walk awake and aware in the world, thankful for the gift of LIFE you will find more "peace" within you. When you can see the good in yourself, you will automatically see it reflected in others around you! It is yours, free for the taking! All you need to do is....just say THANK YOU!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Make It So....

So I am from the Star Trek Generation. From that place where every good idea or positive command of change was engaged with a firm: Make it so! When we have ideas, random thoughts that just keep popping in and out of our minds all day, I think our spirit guides are really waiting for further instructions. To fully acknowledge and energize those thoughts into motion they need our permission. We all desire to make positive changes within our current reality. We "humans" are constantly asking for help from almighty God and the Universe. So when these ideas are coming in to assist us on the journey, we only need a firm: Make it so... to set everything into a forward motion. I want to also add that no matter if you are a sci-fi buff or not, you can easily apply this powerful technique in your day to day lives. The law of attraction is in full force when we choose with intention not by default. We can see in our minds eye what our goals are. Set our destination to the course of action that will draw everything we need to us to "make it so!". Be clear with your thoughts and intentions. Words spoken and unspoken. Let go of all worry and doubts. Be excited and ready to do your part. Keep a high vibration of LOVE in your heart. Reach for more for yourself than you ever have before...say make it so and engage!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Please Help

So the last several beautiful sunny days I can't help but notice all the trash strung all over the highways, streets, and lawns. 2 times in 1 week I witnessed car doors open and the driver with with young kids in the back seat drop fast food bags/cups out onto the highway and drive away. I was so freaking upset. Yes, I picked them up and tried to follow to get plate numbers. I have been a maniac picking up bags of litter anywhere I can stop to do so. Pretty certain that most people think this is "somebody elses" job. But I can tell you it is not. EVERYONE must lead by example If we do gives permission to others to do the same. We must do our part to show Mother Earth that we honor and respect her. It is up to each of us to mirror what HONOR and RESPECT looks like. Parents must lead by example: teach your children to do this too. I have visions of the TV commercial of the Native American Elder With The Tear In His Eyes looking at the polluted lakes and streams, skies and highways: with the tag line Help Keep America Beautiful! As a kid this left a life long impression on me!
As we were driving by a park the other day, I saw 3 men with orange vests who were picking up garbage by the road. I beeped and yelled: Thank you to each of them. Said a extra prayer of blessings for them. Grateful that I am not alone on this mission. Paid or not: Together it is our responsibility to do better "Caring for our plannet". Waving your flags or sporting those I LOVE THE USA bumper stickers doesn't quite cut it. Get out, take a deep breath, bend over and PICK IT UP. Use trash bags, garbage cans. Wake up and help us. One bag at a time it is time to do your part!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I am walking on Sunshiine...and don't it feel good?

So what a difference the sun can make in just a few days! Everyone I have been talking too seems "LIGHT YEARS" away from their deep dark moods of months gone by. Now we already knew that I was like a hot house plant: I need warmth, a nice root system, a little attention, plenty of water, and a nice window to find any natural light that may be lurking. But until this week I never knew just how important that natural LIGHT part was for our spiritual survival. It isn't just a word, can't be duplicated by bulbs or booth, it is something that must come from above. This AM each of my house plants got dusted off, sang too, and watered. They are also happily out in the sun on my front porch as I blog. All the gals got shiny gemstones tucked on top of their soil. Each one looks lovely with bright aura's. I swear I can see them stretching upwards towards the sun too. Yes, I hear plants talk too. Don't get me started. I am so glad the winter season is behind us.
So I am out rejoicing in the sunlight. Singing happy sunny songs: Walking On Sunshine during the day and Sunshine on My Shoulders at bedtime. Oh there are plenty of others that are popping into my head right now but I'll spare you the list. Even my Spirit Guides are happy with my new improved vibration. So lift your moods , raise your vibrations and hum a happy tune. Happy Spring! Get out, take a deep breath, stretch towards the sky and thank the Creator for this wonderful gift of LIGHT!

Monday, April 13, 2009


SO I am in a really sassy mood tonight. Look out! I have been recently told by a reader that it is not "proper English" to begin blogging with the word SO. SO just to totally annoy the complainer further I thought I would respond by offering a big "SO..... WHAT". It is not my problem that the word SO bothers you or anyone else for that matter. This is my blog SO I can use whatever words that roll off my tongue....whether they are proper English or not. But this just confirms that no matter what I do or say, where or when I do it or with whom I do it with, there will ALWAYS be someone who will find fault with me. Please know that I have never claimed to be an "English Major". I am far too busy doing my Advanced Major in LOVING LIFE! Personally think it is rude to offer opinions when they are not asked for. I would much rather say SO when I am putting my thoughts down, than have bad manners any day.
SO today I am just sassy enough to say: I really do not give a damn about proper English! None of that matters to me. I know who I am, who I love and who I serve. It is none of my business what other's think of me! What matters most is what I think of myself. SO if you don't like something I have said or done: Please stop reading my blog or my web-site. If you really like the word SO....then keep following me! (( =

Thursday, April 9, 2009

My Advenrtures in Radio

Today I was on 95.1 The Morning Show with Brother Wease. After a lot of prayer for all of us concerned and to make sure that I arrived at the studio as promised at 8:30 AM a venti latte was used to bribe me out of the wonderful dreamy haze I was in. Once awake, I was then primped and primed by my gals for my great morning adventure. On the drive in, I turned on the radio at 7:30 and heard him talking about me. Not sure if Pastor Robin Higgins was a guy or a girl. Then he was on to a holy week rant, crazy passover bit. Now I know that Wease is a self proclaimed heathen. He wears this title proudly since I have known him off and on for the last 25 years or so. When I excepted this invite by DJ Anthony, I knew my mission would be hard, and the challenge required an extra shot of espresso which kicked in nicely. I arrived on the dot. Thanks to my side-kick Alice who took a 1/2 day off to assist me this AM. Man, do I adore my team Robin Wind! Wease came out on a break and shook my hand. Asked if I was there to convert him, save him or something.... I assured him I was not. So I told him I was a girl, a Psychic Medium, Pastor of PSC and that I was there to talk about Allison DeBois May 15 Event we are sponsoring. He said: I don't believe in that shit but Anthony does. No, when you are a bit nervous, hearing that wasn't comforting. First he was defensive and very "naughty" (there was a brief discussion about shaving private parts) just before my 9:00 studio time began. Headphones on, instructions given and we were live. I was still blushing about shaving men's parts and asking GOD/SPIRIT for all the help they could give me. Wondering what I had gotten myself into and looking for the emergency exits! (just in case) But it moved along naturally and comfortably. His energy shifted and next thing I know we where all laughing. Oh and right before this happened the phone system went bonkers, callers lost and equipment was acting up. I then knew my "crew" was in the house. I totally relaxed and it was cool, fun and amazing.
I went off air to do 4 readings for the DJ's, they each went back on air happy, impressed and excited. We were still being talked about off and on. After my last reading Wease motioned me back in and asked if I would stay for the rest of the show. Which I did. Terry had sent him a "note" that challenged his treatment of me. I must admit I loved doing RADIO. I gifted all of the DJS my I AM SACRED.....guided meditation
CD's and PSC also gave them all a new PSC "We See Dead People" tee-shirts. They just LOVED THEM. He said on air that some Sunday he would be visiting Plymouth and Sista Pastor Robin. Wishes to check out the service and hear her preaching. He nicknamed me Sister Rockin Robin. I have to say there is something surreal about being on The Fox, from the glass studio on Main St. staring at State to where the Fox Sister's performed Mediumship in the late 1800's at Corinthian Hall. I have to smile! When I left the studio Wease bowed to me, shook my hand, the difference in him, his eyes blew me away. There was respect and a huge smile. Happy Holy Week to you. Celebrate the Spirit of Jesus. Rising and communicating with all those who knew him. But we know that everyday: There is no death...there are no dead and Spiritualism can RAP, ROCK and ROLL.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Just Doing What Comes Naturally

So here I am again wondering why it is so hard for some people to accept change, move on and let go of people places and things that no longer serve them. It is so natural for me not to become too attached to anything in this world. Everything can or will change. Can be over in a micro-second. I know that I will be taking nothing with me when I leave this rock but the love and life lessons I experienced. In my 46 years I feel like I have lived several lifetimes. Reinvented or reincarnated myself over and over again. I do not have friends from my childhood. I hold onto very few memento's of my life journey. Lack family photo's or school age memorabilia, marriages, homes, romantic relationships and so on. I know that nothing stays the same, that people come and go throughout our lives. Moving through life without attachments works for me. I know that some people are meant to stay longer while others are meant to simply pass through. They are all a bigger part of the higher plan. I realize that these personal experiences are important. I know that by loving as much as you can, for as long as you can: IS my purpose. I am better for knowing them. I also realize that some of them have tried to grab onto my life force, my coat-tail , to catch my light in their hands. Silly people. They would have a better chance to try to catch a shooting star in those endless skies above. I need to embrace changes with enthusiasm. I can choose to stop and smell the flowers along the way. Daily take time out to meditate deep within the quiet, seek the peaceful mind. Honor a heart that is filled with love. My motto: I don't know where I am going, but I can't wait to get there. I know that my soul can travel faster than the speed of light: when I am the light.....

Monday, April 6, 2009

Never Too Old To Learn New Tricks

So tonight instead of circle we celebrated our youngest daughter birthday eve with the girls. One friend said, "At our house we celebrate the eve's of birthdays." And a new tradition was born. I also learned a few new tricks, some cool keyboard shortcuts to use on my shiney new laptop. You see, I am not kidding when I tell you that I am electronically challenged. Technology used to scare me out of my mind. Sometimes today I can still hear my ex-husband screaming at me when I was trying to use the computer for the very first time. His screams would make me freeze, terrified that I would make a huge mistake by touching the wrong key. Much like my 3rd grade teacher who would yell at a "dyslexic left handed me" while I was leaning over my desk wishing to flee from the embarrassment she dished out daily. Bottom line; I stopped feeling school was a safe please to escape from the hell that was my home life. I think I closed down a lot too. Learning something new has always brought with it great anxiety. At first tonight I felt uncomfortable again (embarrassed) but then something wonderful happened. We started laughing. All of us and it felt really great. It brought deeper healing within my inner child or damaged adult. I realized that gone was the little girl who hated to try replaced with a woman who was excited to learn something new again. I wanted to know more. So I asked more questions. Wow, I have overcome so much in my life. I know that I am stronger, happier and wiser now. I am at last safe and sound. Loved and surrounded by the most amazing people. They are gentle, kind and talented. And I am so incredibly grateful for the gifts.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Being Christ Like- Living The Golden Rule

So I hope I am allowed to voice my opinions and concerns in this venue. In my busy sleep dream state last night we (my Spirit Guides and I) were talking about the true meaning of Christ. The word Christ means: LIGHT. Living in a world where intolerance, injustice along with other non-lit issues are making headlines everyday, it is more important then ever to find the "Christ Light" within you. I always find it interesting that Jesus, Christ, God are slung around some peoples vocabulary's to judge, curse, justify, to pardon or excuse discriminatation and to avoid personal responsibility, to war against others. Often these people are to easily brainwashed controlled by fear, ruled by dictators or even a sin based" Jesus Can Save You" religion. They use these precious words to hide in the dark and to behave quite un-Christ like. I/we worry about their inability to "think for themselves". Better yet, feel for themselves. They can become bitter, angry people who bring hate into this world because they have lost sight of their own light. They fail to understand that the light is something they can embrace. Be not afraid of or intimated by. They have forgotten that they are created from it. Christ Love & Light is already a part of them. Never separate. That no matter what they have done as humans: the Soul part of them deserve to be Light/Christ like.
Becoming more "Enlightened" is the true purpose of human kind. It transcends all religions, sacred texts, hu-man-made laws and rules. It isn't for sale, it can't be earned, there is no sin point system. In the end: No one can save us- we must save ourselves. This greater understanding is what is needed to evolve the Universal Counsiousness. It is: our purpose and destiny. We all must: "Treat each other the way we would like to be treated" For we are all related. We are One. We are the outward expression of Love and the Light Of Christ within this world.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Ah...And Then There are Those Speed Bumps!

So I am moving along quite nicely. Over coming fears and obstacles leaps and bounds. Feels really good, I am finding my comfortable pace. I am catching up with the lead cars....and then "BAM" I hit a speed bump. I literally I hit the ground. I am stunned, embarrassed, hurt and wounded both inside and out. What the heck does this mean? Well after a brief ER visit last night, lots of ice, nice pain medicine and a not so good nights sleep I hear in my morning meditation: Slow and steady wins the race Robin. Stop trying to do it "all or nothing". OK I think I understand this. But why the @#&*^ "speed bump?" I hear: You were using far too much energy out of the starting line. (NO I am not a Nascar fan or a horse racing one either) But I get it....I can see the track. It all makes sense to me know. If I am indeed seeking balance and moderation in my life then the added pressure of making up for lost time is not the way to achieve this. Today I am sore and slow. But I am more focused then ever on the goals: the changes I have set out for myself. I am certain that by slowing myself down, step by step, one day at a time this long term changes will happen. Change is no longer impossible but actually inevatible. Learning that "slow and steady" is fast enough. I know that I will not get lost, instead I will enjoy the view. Awake and aware on this wonderful life journey. And yes my friends, I am thanking God today for the speed bump. With nothing broken but an unhealthy pattern!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Change Happens

So we are plugging along "doin the best we can with what we got" and something or someone from our past jumps out and grabs us. Trying to pull us back, slow us down. To stop us from making the positive changes we are making. Have you ever had this happen? We can often read far too much into this like" is it a sign from the Universe" telling us we shouldn't be doing this or trying that? I think not. How about instead we look at this as our higher self asking us "how much or how badly do we want this? " Maybe there are tests, detours, and yes even saboteurs out there along the way. But they can best serve us during the change process by helping to motivate us. Some people are afraid of being left behind or maybe not being needed anymore. But once they appear on our path remember that you have free will and choice. We can choose to go back with the old ways: which are often unhealthy and energetically draining or we can choose something different, healthier and uplifting. Sometimes CHANGE may mean new friends, new jobs, new relationships. I know that by doing things the way we always have: means getting what we have always got! It is in that moment when we must stand tall, take a deep breath and say: "I am ready for something better." I am willing to do my part, to make new choices. With hard work, disipline I can be the change I wish to see in the world.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's All About the Balance

So here I am taking the one day at a time approach in creating positive changes in my body, mind and spirit. Eating like a tree is not as easy as you would think. Though I am eating much healthier. I am happy knowing that I am more awake and aware these days of my daily intake. Taking notice sooner of "old pattern's" the quicker I can steady my course.
Daily exercising is tough. Especially when your body hurts everyday. What I want to do and what I can do are not always the same. But I am busy practicing acceptance and loving my body anyway. My body is not my enemy. It is my temple. It has suffered years of abuse and damage. I can envision healing it, easing the pain and filling myself with light from the inside out.
But where it comes to setting healthier personal boundaries, with people who are "clueless' of how their negative energy and actions effect hyper "sensitive" people I am seeing the most results. I AM protecting myself- my energy better. I no longer am the abused child, beaten wife, or victim. I am a empowered survivor. I feel so much better when I am standing in my truth. Saying what I mean. Meaning what I say. Not waiting until the wind is going to "blow' but doing so way before the breeze turns fierce. (( =
I think it is rather funny that I lived for 46 years before I learned that it is okay for the human part of me to be angry at being trespassed against. To express it in a healthy manner is OK. Whew, what a relief that turned out to be. Without guilt. Shame or blame. It is what it is....perfectly normal. It makes me wonder what else I may have overlooked that may be holding me back. I am certain more will be revealed.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Run Like Deer, Fight like Mother bear, Hide like fox, Learn to Strike like rattlesnake.

For those who know me, know I take everything "personally". I am beginning to realize that by doing so I have "unknowingly" been projecting a victim (gives power away) energy out into the world. However, I am standing much taller these days, head held high, eyes wide open. And I am learning that I am more the survivor now.(takes power back) I am getting better at setting healthier personal boundaries, speaking my truth and fighting for injustice in this world. For all injustice effects the Spiritual parts of me of us all. I no longer can run away, tuck my head in the sand, pretending that it is ok for people who I help and humbly serve with love and light to continue to control or abuse me.
Oh and recently someone asked me the million dollar question: who told me that is wasn't okay to be angry? Until that moment, I thought anger was unhealthy. Anger was used in my victim past to control and abuse me. But I know that some anger is healthy for the human part of me. So today I am owning my anger. I will feel it. Find my balance with it. Knowing that it is okay to be angry by the disrespect, inconsideration, rudeness that some people project in the world towards me. I am fuious (like a mother bear) that the more good I do everyday, the more likely there will be a lost soul who will try to knock me down or out of the game. Today I am standing with a fist in the air, shouting to the heavens, I am still HERE and no matter what happens I will keep doing and being what I am....LOVE in this world.

Friday, March 6, 2009

One Step At A Time

So when you begin a new wellness program it is easy to become overwhelmed. You have a lot of new materials to process and assimilate into your new daily practices. If you look at it all at once...gulp... you can cause the "stall and delay" effect. Freeze and resist moving forward. (old pattern) I decided that it will be best for me to make these changes slowly. Add a few things at a time and not try to do it all at once. Yea, me! I am already working in a more balanced fashion. Breaking that all or nothing girl pattern. lol
I can honestly say especially with food allergies I must practice awareness and patience. With exercise and new daily supplements I must practice willingness and discipline. With my spirit I must visiualize in meditation the "results I wish to see". My focus is now on the "creation" process. Step by step with awareness, patience, willingness and discipline I will have no choice but to succeed. I often hear "just keep swimming, just keep swimming..." I know that giving up is not an option. I deserve to be happy energized and healthy. Everyday in everyway I am working towards a healthier ME.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Maker's Diet & The Shaman's Way

So I have been asked to share what this is. First I wish to say I dislike the word diet. It has too many visions of failure or sabotage associated with it. Let's use the words "healthy eating plan."
It is very much like the shaman diet we ate in Peru. Fish, chicken, soups, eggs, nuts, beans, fresh papayas, mango's, bananas/plantains , figs, dates, apples, pomegranates, coconut(the meat, milk and oil) dark leafy veggies, olives, onions, avocado, rice, honey, sea salt, pepper, olive oil, cinnamon, nutmeg, all spice. We drank teas and aloe juice.
Quite honestly, I never felt better. Even under the most challenging of physical conditions Hey, it was 105 degrees in the shade everyday. Nothing was cold. Everything was either warm or warmer. But eating this way I had more energy, felt more alive. My blood felt more pure flowing within my being. Oh yea, and everything was prepared with song and prayer. Maybe that was the magic ingredient. But I remember feeling more awake and aware. Like someone lifted the fog out of my brain. Lately when I am meditating I have been asking how I can loose weight and get healthy once and for all. And I hear: Robin just eat like they did in the bible. Oh, and everyday I use frankincense, sandalwood and myrrh oil on my body. Smudge with white sage. Now I will start singing and praying as I prepare my food. I think we just may be on to something.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Gasp....Eat Like A Tree?

So lately I am having allergic reactions to everything! E-pi pens and Benadryl are my new best friends. Can't leave home without them. Now it is hard enough to eat 3 times a day, a few snacks blah blah and walk on the treadmill for a half hour. Yes, Robert, I am fantastic, I am marvelous, I love myself. I am still going to take care of me first! Finally find balance in 2009.
But it seems as though now I have morphed into yet another level of freaky hyper-sensitivity. There is a message in all of this I know it. So I ask in meditation and I hear: eat the foods that are in the bible: I find The Maker' Diet and it makes since to me, next I hear: eat like a tree. Now I really am confused. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE TREE'S. Tree's eat threw the root system and the leaves. Ah, I get it, the root chakra is out of sync. This all makes since. I know as a Shamanic Healer that if a child is sexually abused their root chakra will not function properly. So mine should be wiped out big time.
Now I can pay close attention to "feed it" and care for it properly. Maybe this can calm both the physical pain and the emotional pain. I will begin a daily practice to ease this. And will keep you posted.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Sacred Journey

So we leave on our sacred journey early on Thursday morning. Blazing a "Trail of 3" heading towards our spiritual destiny. There is laughter and excitement. There are always stories. We arrive at Sacred Winds 3 hours later. We meet Wind Daughter first. She is happy and well. I am grateful to see her this way. Refreshed and renewed she too has been through the "fire" last year. Later in our time together we laugh and cry together. Confirming and affirming doing this work can take its toll on a soul. Wondering why others challenge us so much. We agree that is doesn't really matter. We are serving the Creator 1st. Humans 2nd. My time with her is priceless. I hope the other 2 feel the same way. Sitting with an respected elder, A grandmother, Chief of the Bear Tribe we are all honored.
We meet many new sisters and brothers, We Are All Related. We hug, join hands, hearts, light and purpose in sacred ceremony. We leave clear, refreshed and renewed. Spend the night resting in a nice motel. We have a few more experiences( yes, shopping was involved lol) and head towards home in a cleansing ran. Our earth Mother is also experiencing healing and clearing.
We are are better in sharing the sacred journey together. Mitakuye Oyasin= all my relations. ~Robin Wind

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Trying Something New

So I just asked to have "someone" (a spirit guide) who was tech savvy help me set this up.I tried myself a few times without any luck. It appears we have done it!

Now I wish to thank all those who must roll their eyes allot when it comes to ~Robin Wind and electronic things. I wonder if I will ever be able figure all this high tech stuff?

But then I hear: Does it really matter? I will continue to listen and pray that my team keeps assisting me while keeping their amazing sense of humor.

~Robin Wind