So I have been busy releasing and letting go with love....people, places and things that no longer serve me. I have found this to be quite an liberating experience overall. I used to get so upset when I heard that someone was out in the world slandering my reputation, saying my name in vane. Unhappy by something I supposedly "did unto another" as they "did unto me ". I am often used as a Spirit Mirror. A mentor once told me, when I became a Spiritualist minister, " if I was pissing people off then I was going to be a a great spiritual guide/teacher someday." I really can appreciate her wisdom today.
More and more these days I hear from Spirit: "What others think of me in none of my business." This has become my new affiirmation. It has made the letting go process a whole lot easier for me. I am very grateful to be able to find the humor in my "not so graceful" experiences of the past. I am finally able to honor the lessons when I responded with fear before I could just be: LOVE
I see how thin my skin was, how stressed out I was, how hurt I choose to be, wanting everyone to like me, working so hard trying to make everyone around me happy. Then one day I just broke. It was way too much pressure holding on to all of that crap, that wasn't really mine to be fixing. Realizing that it was my EGO fueling this energy. Not my higher "we" self. It became clear that it isn't my job to make ANYONE happy.... but it was my job to make myself happy. With this awareness came great relief; freedom of worry and I had more a lot more time and energy. By letting go, I was able to ground and refocus. Releasing everything and everyone with love was all I was supposed do.
Years later, I know that no matter what I do, how pure my intentions may be, someone, somewhere will not like it, will find fault in it. Question it, talk about it, choose to be a victim of it. Will blame it, dislike it, and if allowed will try to destroy the source of it. I have learned even when I am working from the highest vibration of LOVE or SPIRIT, that this positive energy can really tick off those who " vibrate lower". For some, to avoid taking personal responsibility for the choices they made, it is simply easier to make drama, point fingers at others to avoid the spot light shining to brightly on them. People don't expect someone to set healthy boundaries, or to mirror back to them their behaviors. They sure don't expect someone to tell them what they need to hear and not what they want to hear. Once walls are torn down, the lights go on, the person can no longer live in the dark and in denial. Once control is released changes will happen, and ultimately this will force them into a unknown terrority. History has proven time and time again, that people will always try to destroy something they don't understand. Whether persons, creatures or the world around them, it is easy to do when you view yourself as SEPERATE from them. I believe we must elimate this false illuision. Instead of feeling fear first we must find faith. Once you find it, you will begin to feel your connection to everything and everyone. Then we can embrace this new essence of self. So don't run away from challanges. Where ever you go, there you are. Stay and do your work. No, it won't be easy....this is why it is called work! And no one can do it for you but in a group, where there are 2 or more gathered in LOVE God will help you. Remember that free will and choice, allows us to BE all that we are meant to be. Do NOT take things personal, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Together we will be able to continue moving forward with the least amount of ciaos possible. Walk your talk, and lead by example always staying true to yourself. A person shouldn't ever have to hide their light because it makes others uncomfortable. If it's too bright, I say "put on your shades baby". If someone is doing something that is really bothering you, look in the mirror, reflect inward and ask higher self: Why is this happening? Release it and let it go.... Rinse and Repeat lol
Give yourself permission to twinkle and shine. Learn to love and to trust your higher self to be HONEST with you. By doing so, you give others permission to do the same. And lets face it, in life some days you are the bird, and some days you are the statue. But all times we are related. Just Be LOVE......Good Night!
Friday, March 19, 2010
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